Manuscript Editing

Expert manuscript editing for those authoring their own book and eBook to be published by CyberEdge Press, a third-party publisher, or self-published.

Working on a manuscript for a book and/or eBook and need help bring it across the finish line?

Look no further. CyberEdge can help in two ways.

First, if your manuscript is a little rough, one of our talented authors can evaluate your manuscript and make recommendations on how to better organize it to achieve your goals. Your CyberEdge author can also help do a little ghostwriting to fill in any gaps in your manuscript.

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Second, our professional book editor can polish your manuscript by correcting typos, punctuation errors, grammatical errors, and help ensure your manuscript is well written. They can also ensure your manuscript aligns to the Chicago Manual of Style, The Associated Press Stylebook, or your company’s own style guide.

Once your manuscript is complete, CyberEdge can help you publish it! Whether you transform your manuscript into a Definitive Guide™ or custom book and eBook, your printed books and eBook will look extremely professional.



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“Given how different CyberEdge is from traditional publishers, going with CyberEdge for our custom book and eBook was an easy choice. CyberEdge’s managing consultant kept our project on track, interfacing with a manuscript editor and graphic designer behind the scenes, and completed everything on time and on budget. What more can you ask for?”

~ Greg Barrette, Director of Demand Generation, Recorded Future

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