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CyberEdge is best known for creating high-quality content by consultants with deep subject matter expertise. But did you also know that CyberEdge can help localize your content into non-English languages? In fact, we do it all the time!

CyberEdge is different than most other localization vendors for the following reasons:

  • We specialize in cybersecurity. Our localization consultants have years of experience localizing content for cybersecurity vendors and service providers. They already know the most common ways to translate buzz words and phrases from English into the target languages of your choosing.
  • We only use native speakers. All of our localization consultants are native speakers of your target languages.
  • We use two translators for each content asset. One translator is responsible for translating your content. The second translator is responsible for making sure the first translator used the most appropriate terms and applied those translated terms consistently.
  • We also handle layout. Don’t ask your in-house English-speaking graphic designer to lay out a white paper or eBook in Chinese. Let us handle that for you by sending us your existing Adobe InDesign (or other) template. Of course, if you’re producing a Definitive Guide or custom cover book and eBook we’ve got the template covered.
  • We align with your preferences. Already have a translation file from a previous localization vendor? Or do you want to make sure that we translate certain terms a certain way? No problem. Just give us a list of your preferences and we’ll make it happen.
Sample "ocalization eBooks
Recorded Future Third Edition Japanese 1
View our Sample Localization eBooks

CyberEdge is capable of localizing content in virtually all spoken languages in markets to which you sell. Here’s a sample of our most-common language requests:

  • Spanish (European)
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • French (European)
  • French (Canadian)
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese

Want to learn more about our other publishing services? Click on any of these related CyberEdge services to learn more:

“Over the years, I’ve produced several custom books and eBooks with CyberEdge Press on behalf of multiple IT security vendors. The cybersecurity expertise of their authors is unmatched by any other publisher. And the quality of their eBooks and printed books is second to none.”

~ John Vecchi, CMO, Anitian

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