Custom Graphics

High-quality custom graphics to support your custom book and eBook initiatives, including figure graphics, custom covers, and full-page ads.

Need help creating custom graphics for your next custom book and eBook project? Look no further.

CyberEdge Press’ talented graphic designers have created a myriad of custom graphics in support of our customers’ custom book and eBook initiatives. Examples of how our customers leverage our custom graphics include:

  • Figure graphics
  • Custom front/back cover artwork
  • Full-page ads
  • Promotional cover graphics
  • Promotional infographics
  • Promotional banner ads
Sample eBooks
Elastic Threat Hunting EBook 1
View our Sample eBooks

For customers leveraging CyberEdge Press authors, your author will be your primary interface to our veteran graphic designers. Your author will help guide you with regard to creative direction for all of your graphic design needs. For customers that author their manuscripts internally, you’ll have the ability to interface with our talented graphic designers directly.

All deliverables will be provided in high-resolution .png, .jpg, and/or .pdf formats, along with the Adobe source files in case your in-house graphic designer would like to make further tweaks down the road.


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“Given how different CyberEdge is from traditional publishers, going with CyberEdge for our custom book and eBook was an easy choice. CyberEdge’s managing consultant kept our project on track, interfacing with a manuscript editor and graphic designer behind the scenes, and completed everything on time and on budget. What more can you ask for?”

~ Greg Barrette, Director of Demand Generation, Recorded Future

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